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  Varnishing Oven Products

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Drying Hoods Resistances

Tecnowatt produces elements for drying paints used for cars painting. The resistances are inserted into tubes made of transparent, coloured or translucent tubes. Customers can choose from a wide range of tube colours depending on their particular needs. Our production includes standard elements with powers varying from 400 to 1200 W and predefined tube dimensions as per the following table:

Model Dimensions


Short Element 1 8 x 10 x 267 mm 115V 400W
Short Element 2 8 x 10 x 267 mm 115V 500W
Long Element 1 8 x 10 x 495 mm 220V 800W
Long Element 2 8 x 10 x 495 mm 220V 1000W
Long Element 3 8 x 10 x 495 mm 220V 1200W
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Click on the picture to enlarge

In addition to its standard production, Tecnowatt can supply elements with different dimensional and electrical specifications upon customer request.

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Click on the picture to enlarge

The resistances used for these applications are very carefully built, as it is necessary to work in a vertical position, with the use of special production processes and advanced technologies that guarantee very high reliability.


horizontal rule


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Developed by D.G. System s.a.s - Polesine (PR) ITALY - - Updated on: 09-05-2013